Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My Precious Dad
I miss him so much. My life is going to be very different without my Dad in it. Please pray for me.
In the midst of all of this tragedy, I have my second and last appt to be kept on the transplant list. My cardiac appts are on Thursday. My Dad's viewing is Thursday night and the funeral is Friday. I still can't believe it.
God Bless you all very much,
Ii was blessed by having my Dad for 41 years.
Tracy :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
First Dr appt down, one more to go
Today I went to my first doctor appt to have the tests redone to keep me on the transplant waiting list. It was sonograms, EKG, chest xray, 16 vials of blood, renal check. Seemed like a lot, but not as bad as the first time. Glad these appts are over with. They want me to get 2 female tests done on my own within the next two weeks and then on Dec 3 I have the cardiac portion of the tests to do.
I was very anxious about all of this and about if I should start making appts to get the portal put in so I could be ready for dialysis. After speaking with the nurse over there in Dallas today, she really encouraged me to NOT do that yet. She said I was so healthy that I didn't need it right now. She said not to think about having surgery right now. (to have it put in). So, that made me feel so relieved.
I went to get my procrit shot this past Monday, which they said I needed, but my blood pressure decided to go up on that day, so they wouldn't give it to me. Now I have to go back to Irving to see if my blood pressure has gone down on Monday next week. Seems a little much, but if I can get the shot, that will be good. I need them.
I just wanted to keep you updated on what all is going on. Pretty interesting. I am hoping the transplant will be soon. Keep on praying, please!!
Have a great week!
Tracy :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
New Update
Now I am having dreams about the transplant and how it will be again. It is interesting to say the least. You want something so bad, even though it is not pleasant at all. So, will keep you posted.
Thanks so much!
Tracy :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Some weird things have been going on with my body the last few days. My blood pressure has soared in the 200's over the 100's. I have gone up in Lisinopril meds from 10 mg to 40mg with not much change in BP. Endocrinologist says the meds can go up to 80 mg, so I have some more I can take I suppose. Went to the Retina doctor today and he said I have a very dense cataract on my left eye. He gave me the name and number of a surgeon that can remove them. He said I would be able to see a lot better, but I can wait longer until it get worse if I want. So, I am going to wait. I can see pretty good out of it. Just some haze. So, overall, I feel great. I had my first migraine headache last night. May be caused from blood pressure. My school nurse has been keeping tabs on me every hour or so. Am excited to go see Kidney doc on Thursday. Yes, my eyes are dilated while I am typing this. My face is about 3 inches from the screen. HEEHEE.
Have a great day! Tracy :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Staying Strong
The last labs that I had run a couple of weeks ago, showed that my kidney's are hanging steady at 3.3. So, I am happy about that. The doctor seems to be concerned if it gets to 4.0. I am thinking that will be dialysis. I do not think I will get there. I feel like God is protecting me and my body. Hair is growing in!! Yea!
Thanks to all who are reading. I have a retinologist appt on 9/29. Labs again on 9/28 and kidney doc visit on 10/1. Gonna be a busy week!
Talk to you soon!
Tracy :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Give the Gift of Life T-Shirts!

Hello Folks:
Tracy's Aunt Judy & Uncle Allan have started a fundraiser for Tracy. They have designed and printed a t-shirt they are selling to raise funds and to promote organ donor awareness. Although Tracy has insurance, the cost of a dual organ transplant surgery is tremendous not to mention the cost of her medications. All proceeds from the sale of these shirts goes directly to helping Tracy.
The shirts are $17.00 each which includes shipping and are available in adult sizes small through 2X. They have a paypal account set up (user id ftwpapa@msn.com) and you DO NOT have to have a paypal account to purchase a shirt. Please state the size and shipping address in the paypal notes or enclose that information with your check. If you prefer to order a shirt by mail, please send your check and information to:
Allan Williams 317 PR 3731 Bridgeport, TX 76426 or e-mail: judyboop35@yahoo.com
If you would like to own a COOL shirt, and help Tracy out at the same time, it is greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read this and please keep Tracy in your prayers.
When life gets you down - just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
Today I spoke with my new transplant coordinator. The one I have been calling was for pre-transplant only. The new one is for transplant (I guess if you have already had one, she takes care of you now). Her name is Roseanne. I asked her what I needed to do, that I thought my deadline was coming up for all the tests. The tests you have done are only good for one year. She told me that my name is already in the system and that as soon as the doctors send their schedules to her, her assistant will begin setting my testing appts up. She thought it would be late October or early November. She said that when I begin the testing again, I will not be removed from the transplant list. So that is good. I think that was a big concern of mine.
Anyway, it is not the news I wanted (I wanted to get the transplant over with),but it is news I can accept.
I hope everyone is well. Be blessed!! Tracy :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Latest Doctor Appts
I went to see my endocrinologist and my kidney doctor last week. The endo. tweaked my insulin and it seems to be working a little better. The kidney doctor saw my labs and said I am doing pretty good. My kidney function is down some more, but he said once you are in stage 4 kidney failure, when the numbers go up, it is not that significant. I was hanging steady at 2.4 or 2.6 and now it went to 3.4. He wants to see me in one month for more labs to make sure it hadn't jumped again. He said my function is at about 15-20 %. Which is basically what I have been around. He said the important thing is how I feel. I said I feel GREAT! He said that is what he wants to hear. He said you just really need a transplant. So, we wait...but, happily. I feel that God is protecting me and I am thankful for that. Just wanted to keep you up to date on what is going on.
By the way, my friend Randy is doing GREAT! He has gotten to reduce his meds and is walking everyday. I'm so happy for him!! Have a blessed day! Tracy
Monday, August 10, 2009
Give the Gift of Life
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A friends news
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I have been relisted to get the kidney/pancreas transplant. They reinstated all my days since they took out the organs. So it keeps me close to the very top of the list. I think there are only 3 people that have my blood type on my list.
The weirdest thing that has happened to me since the 2nd surgery (the removal of organs) is that I have lost my hair. It was about to my waist and now it is about 2" long. There are a few longer strands that I had cut to above my shoulders, so I can pull it back and it looks decent in the front. Those of you that know me, know I was VERY attached to my hair. This has been a humbling experience to say the least.
I call my transplant coordinator about once a month to make sure they haven't forgotten about me. And she assures me they have not. She says my turn will come.
I think it was around October 12, when I started all of the testing to get on the list. The tests are only good for one year. So, I am praying for new organs before that date.
Otherwise, I feel relatively good and am happy. I work 12 months, so that has kept me busy for sure. I hope all of you are well. God Bless you!!
Tracy :)
Friday, April 10, 2009
God is great...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thank You From Tracy...

We raised more than I thought we could and that will be very helpful when it comes time to begin my immune suppressing medicines. I will be thanking you each time I can pay that bill.
I had so much fun seeing and visiting with everyone; it was a special night for me to be able to be a part of it.
I go in tomorrow (Tuesday) for a bone marrow test. If everything is ok with that outcome, I will go before the Board on April 10th to see if they will put me back on the list again.
I wish you all a blessed week and thank you again for your support and generosity.
Love, Tracy :)
ps can you please pass this thank you on to anyone I don't have on the list? I don't have everyone's email address. Thank you!
Tracy HerzikCarroll High SchoolAdministrative Assistant for
Principal, P.J. Giamanco
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Donation Information
Note in memo section of check: In Honor of Tracy Herzik
Please send to: NTAF 150 N. Radnor Chester Rd., Suite F-120 Radnor, PA 19087
For credit card contributions, call 800-642-8933 or visit http://www.transplantfund.org/ to make a secure online contribution. NTAF provides both tax deductible and fiscal accountability to contributors. Funds contributed are used for medical related expenses only.
Donations can also be made at any local Bank of America branch where an account has been set up as Tracy A. Herzik Medical Fund.
Texas does fundraisers best--BBQ Style at the Feedstore!
Southlake Women's Club Supports Tracy

On behalf of my wonderful secretary, Tracy Herzik, her family, and the entire CHS family. I would like to thank everyone for their support at The Feedstore last night. It is awesome to be able to witness the way the community supports one of their own when they need assistance. While this is a long process for Tracy and really only just beginning I know she is very grateful for your support and encouragement along the way. If you were unable to attend the fundraiser and would still like to make a donation please consult the CHS homepage where information is posted. Thank you again and I can't express more how proud I am to be a Dragon.
Posted by P.J. Giamanco at 7:51 AM
Labels: Faculty, Parents, Students
Southlake Community Comes Together to Support Herzik

Feed Store Benefit Planned for Tracy Herzik
The Feed Store Barbecue has agreed to donate a portion of their proceeds on Thursday, March 26th to benefit the National Transplant Assistance Fund and more specifically my secretary, Tracy Herzik. The benefit will run from 4:30-8:00 at the restaurant. In addition to donating a portion of the proceeds that evening there will be tip jars around for those who would like to make donations towards her medical expenses. While Tracy has every intention of being there that night we do hope that she is already on her road to recovery from the transplant and resting back home. I look forward to seeing the community turn out and help an amazing woman through this battle.
Posted by P.J. Giamanco
Friday, January 23, 2009
Love from you...
Thank you so much for your email regarding Tracy. I have forwarded your email to our Compassion Care department as well. Please know that our Healing Room will be lifting her up in prayer for total healing.
J. K.
Administrative Assistant to
Pastor T. B.
Gateway Church Freedom Ministry
I was just wondering how Tracy is doing. I am thinking she did have the surgery, but not sure. You have touched me with your compassion and loyalty towards your friend. It reminds me how even in the worst of circumstances God is faithful to show is loving kindness to us through others who love him. Blessings---- L.
Thank you for keeping me updated. I have already lifted Tracy up in prayer and will continue to do so throughout the day.I forwarded your email to my husband. I in turn fowarded it to the Pro Players Foundation Board President and E. S. the president of the school board. The have already chosen a family to receive the funds for this years benefit, but Both J. B. and E. S.are very interested in trying to help find financial assistance some way for Tracy. J.B.is fowarding the information to others who offer this kind of financial assistance. E. said that she knows Tracy but had no idea of how ill she was. She is looking into other resources as well. God knows what Tracy needed long before we did and I have no doubt that He will provide for her. Let me hear how she does with the surgery.Blessings, L.
I will forward to our prayer warriors from Life Group. Thank you for sharing your heart regarding your friend. I am sitting here in awe of your love and devotion to her. I am also praising the Lord for what He has already done and what He will do. I cannot imagine what your friend and her daughter must be going through. I will also pray for K. And, since we are women and we love to nurture and care for others, could we perhaps help Tracy and/or Katie out when she gets home with meals, transportation for K., errands, house cleaning, etc? We are really good at those things!!! I know how much the everyday tasks can be overwhelming, especially under her circumstances. I praise God that he has brought you into our Life Group! You are already such a blessing!
Humor the Darkness
Turn of Events
Jan.14, 2009
I just had to let you know as soon as I found out. Tracy is being admitted to Baylor Hospital in Dallas tonight to see if she is a good recipient of a donor that is available. Keep her in your prayers. I can’t believe it is all happening so fast already. I will keep you updated on her situation. Thanks for your prayers!
Jan. 15, 2009
God is amazing! I’m always amazed to see how he works in our lives and through the lives of others. Tracy spent the night at Baylor Hospital last night going through many test to see if she would be a good match for a donor that was available. I don’t know much about the donor, but I do know he was male and only 21 years old and was pronounced brain dead. (Please pray for him and his family as I can’t even image the pain they must all be feeling over their precious loss.)
God matched Tracy up with it appears to be some very young and healthy organs. She is currently in surgery now receiving them. The surgery is expected to be 6 hours long. She will probably be out around 3:00 if everything goes well. Tracy is expected to be in the hospital for about another 6-10 days afterwards. Thank you so much for all of your faith and prayers and thank you for listening to the Holy Sprit through all of this. God’s timing has been absolutely perfect through all of this. I love what T-- said, “The Lord is awesome! Praise Him! Remember that Paul tells us to "pray without ceasing"! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)”
Great News!! Tracy received a dual kidney/pancreas transplant Thursday evening, January 15th 2009 at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas.
I’m not surprised that most of Tracy’s coworkers had no idea how sick she really was. She has such an amazing work ethic, faith in God, and peaceful heart. She is the kind of person that doesn’t ask for help as she has had to help herself all through life. She has had diabetes I believe since she was a child. Tracy has been working with, I believe, less than 20% of her kidneys working for the last couple of months now. She has had multiple eye surgeries to help prevent blindness from her diabetes.
Jan. 17, 2009
Tracy is able to have visitors, but is still too week to make phone calls at this time. She continues to need more and more blood and may require a transfusion as the doctors are not sure if her pancreas is bleeding internally so your prayers are still very much appreciated.
Jan. 21, 2009
I just got off the phone with Christie, Tracy's bff who has been by Tracy’s side for the last 48 hours. Tracy is not doing well at this point. She has been continually throwing up for the last 36 hours and has been bleeding a lot, and her blood pressure has been out of control. She is expected to go back into surgery this afternoon to fix a bleeding area of her pancreas. Tracy is unaware of what is going on as she is pretty much out of it at this point—probably more grace from God then anything.
Jan. 22, 2009
We were told Tracy went into sepsis on Wed. Tracy ended up rejecting both organs. They were surgically removed Wed. and she was told about it yesterday. She has been under a lot of medication as expected, and I will find out more today on what other options are out there for her at this point. My friend, Christie, said the doctors were still hopeful. Christie's text said,"I'm at hospital it looks so good. Her breathing tube is out! She has to whisper but is very alert. Her outlook is very good. She's glad the organs are out;)
A New Day
Tracy Herzik is a beautiful 40 year old single mother needing a dual transplant of a kidney and pancreas. She has been an active member of Gateway Church in Southlake for more than six years. She began kindergarten in Southlake in 1973 at Carroll Elementary. Tracy graduated from Carroll High School in 1986. She is currently employed by the Carroll Independent School District as the secretary to the principal. She is also a proud mother of a beautiful loving fifteen year old daughter, Katie Herzik.
Be a part of Tracy's Amazing Journey and feel free to leave comments for her.