Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thank You From Tracy...

Thank you so much to all of you that were able to attend the fund raiser. It was so neat to see all of my friends and meet some new ones. You all have touched my heart more than you know and I will forever be grateful for each of you.

We raised more than I thought we could and that will be very helpful when it comes time to begin my immune suppressing medicines. I will be thanking you each time I can pay that bill.

I had so much fun seeing and visiting with everyone; it was a special night for me to be able to be a part of it.

I go in tomorrow (Tuesday) for a bone marrow test. If everything is ok with that outcome, I will go before the Board on April 10th to see if they will put me back on the list again.

I wish you all a blessed week and thank you again for your support and generosity.

Love, Tracy :)

ps can you please pass this thank you on to anyone I don't have on the list? I don't have everyone's email address. Thank you!

Tracy HerzikCarroll High SchoolAdministrative Assistant for
Principal, P.J. Giamanco

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