Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today I spoke with my new transplant coordinator. The one I have been calling was for pre-transplant only. The new one is for transplant (I guess if you have already had one, she takes care of you now). Her name is Roseanne. I asked her what I needed to do, that I thought my deadline was coming up for all the tests. The tests you have done are only good for one year. She told me that my name is already in the system and that as soon as the doctors send their schedules to her, her assistant will begin setting my testing appts up. She thought it would be late October or early November. She said that when I begin the testing again, I will not be removed from the transplant list. So that is good. I think that was a big concern of mine.

Anyway, it is not the news I wanted (I wanted to get the transplant over with),but it is news I can accept.

I hope everyone is well. Be blessed!! Tracy :)

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