Thursday, September 17, 2009

Staying Strong

The last labs that I had run a couple of weeks ago, showed that my kidney's are hanging steady at 3.3. So, I am happy about that. The doctor seems to be concerned if it gets to 4.0. I am thinking that will be dialysis. I do not think I will get there. I feel like God is protecting me and my body. Hair is growing in!! Yea!

Thanks to all who are reading. I have a retinologist appt on 9/29. Labs again on 9/28 and kidney doc visit on 10/1. Gonna be a busy week!

Talk to you soon!
Tracy :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracy,
    My name is Lisa "James" Galvan. As it would have been the 40th birthday of my best friend, as always I think of and remember her and her family. I happened across an obituary for "grandaddy" and saw your married name and decided to look you up. This blog is what resulted. I wasn't even sure if it was you until I saw a picture of your mom. I am terribly saddened to find that you strugle with health issues. I will add you to my prayer list as well as that of the church with your permission. My family and I have recently rejoined Pioneer Drive Baptist Church in Irving. The church where I gave my life to Christ 27 years ago. The church that sits several hundred feet from where Jeri died over 25 years ago. I certainly hope you will send me an email, I would love to catch up with you after 25 years. I can tell that you are an outstanding woman with reverent faith. I pray that you continue to find comfort in your creator during your journey. God bless you.
