Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Latest Doctor Appts


I went to see my endocrinologist and my kidney doctor last week. The endo. tweaked my insulin and it seems to be working a little better. The kidney doctor saw my labs and said I am doing pretty good. My kidney function is down some more, but he said once you are in stage 4 kidney failure, when the numbers go up, it is not that significant. I was hanging steady at 2.4 or 2.6 and now it went to 3.4. He wants to see me in one month for more labs to make sure it hadn't jumped again. He said my function is at about 15-20 %. Which is basically what I have been around. He said the important thing is how I feel. I said I feel GREAT! He said that is what he wants to hear. He said you just really need a transplant. So, we wait...but, happily. I feel that God is protecting me and I am thankful for that. Just wanted to keep you up to date on what is going on.

By the way, my friend Randy is doing GREAT! He has gotten to reduce his meds and is walking everyday. I'm so happy for him!! Have a blessed day! Tracy

1 comment:

  1. Hey, My Princes, This is a frist for me,writing on someones blog. ha. I still have a lot to learn about stage 4 failure. this is the first i knew of stage 4. God is Going to see to everything that needs to be done for your health. God fixes all. Thanks for all your Blessings Dear Lord Bless my Daughter Tracy Herzik Tanner
