Friday, October 23, 2009

New Update

Hi! I got a call from the secretary to my new transplant coordinator this week. They are setting up my appts to be retested to be able to remain on the transplant waiting list. Nov 4th and Dec 3rd. I will have some tests on the first date and then the cardiac tests on the Dec date. They assure me they are not going to take me off the waiting list while I get my testing redone. The tests are only good for a year and have to be redone. So, that was some good news to me.

Now I am having dreams about the transplant and how it will be again. It is interesting to say the least. You want something so bad, even though it is not pleasant at all. So, will keep you posted.

Thanks so much!

Tracy :)


  1. Praying for you Tracy:)
    Lisa James Galvan
    (and Pioneer Drive Baptist Church)
    Tell Charles we are having a Revival this week Sun 11 and 6 and Mon-Wed at to you soon.

  2. Great to get the update. Good luck on your next round of tests.

    Jim Foster
