Thursday, August 27, 2009

Give the Gift of Life T-Shirts!

Hello Folks:

Tracy's Aunt Judy & Uncle Allan have started a fundraiser for Tracy. They have designed and printed a t-shirt they are selling to raise funds and to promote
organ donor awareness. Although Tracy has insurance, the cost of a dual organ transplant surgery is tremendous not to mention the cost of her medications. All proceeds from the sale of these shirts goes directly to helping Tracy.

The shirts are $17.00 each which includes shipping and are available in adult sizes small through 2X. They have a paypal account set up (user id and you DO NOT have to have a paypal account to purchase a shirt. Please state the size and shipping address in the paypal notes or enclose that information with your check. If you prefer to order a shirt by mail, please send your check and information to:

Allan Williams 317 PR 3731 Bridgeport, TX 76426 or e-mail:

If you would like to own a COOL shirt, and help Tracy out at the same time, it is greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read this and please keep Tracy in your prayers.

When life gets you down - just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.


Today I spoke with my new transplant coordinator. The one I have been calling was for pre-transplant only. The new one is for transplant (I guess if you have already had one, she takes care of you now). Her name is Roseanne. I asked her what I needed to do, that I thought my deadline was coming up for all the tests. The tests you have done are only good for one year. She told me that my name is already in the system and that as soon as the doctors send their schedules to her, her assistant will begin setting my testing appts up. She thought it would be late October or early November. She said that when I begin the testing again, I will not be removed from the transplant list. So that is good. I think that was a big concern of mine.

Anyway, it is not the news I wanted (I wanted to get the transplant over with),but it is news I can accept.

I hope everyone is well. Be blessed!! Tracy :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Latest Doctor Appts


I went to see my endocrinologist and my kidney doctor last week. The endo. tweaked my insulin and it seems to be working a little better. The kidney doctor saw my labs and said I am doing pretty good. My kidney function is down some more, but he said once you are in stage 4 kidney failure, when the numbers go up, it is not that significant. I was hanging steady at 2.4 or 2.6 and now it went to 3.4. He wants to see me in one month for more labs to make sure it hadn't jumped again. He said my function is at about 15-20 %. Which is basically what I have been around. He said the important thing is how I feel. I said I feel GREAT! He said that is what he wants to hear. He said you just really need a transplant. So, we wait...but, happily. I feel that God is protecting me and I am thankful for that. Just wanted to keep you up to date on what is going on.

By the way, my friend Randy is doing GREAT! He has gotten to reduce his meds and is walking everyday. I'm so happy for him!! Have a blessed day! Tracy

Monday, August 10, 2009

Give the Gift of Life

Tracy's Aunt and Uncle have started a fund raiser for Tracy. It's a great idea, especially for creating awareness.

Pricing and Ordering Details to come...