Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today's Appt

Hello! Today is an appt with the vascular surgeon to see if he thinks I am ready to get a fistula put in. I am a little anxious about the appt, but know I need to go. My kidney doctor thinks I should go ahead and get it done, so my body will be ready when/if I need dialysis. I am not sure if it is out patient surgery or what. I think it might be. Will find out more at 4:30 today.

I found a website that I think everyone who deals with kidney/dialysis, etc should look at. It is called I hate It has been very informative and helpful to me. Sometimes it is funny.

I hope everyone is doing good who reads this. Will let you know how the appt goes.

Tracy :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tracy,
    We are still praying for you at PDBC. I would love to see you some time. God bless your journey.
    Love Lisa James Galvan
