Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lisa, please email me at Herzikt@gmail.com

Some weird things have been going on with my body the last few days. My blood pressure has soared in the 200's over the 100's. I have gone up in Lisinopril meds from 10 mg to 40mg with not much change in BP. Endocrinologist says the meds can go up to 80 mg, so I have some more I can take I suppose. Went to the Retina doctor today and he said I have a very dense cataract on my left eye. He gave me the name and number of a surgeon that can remove them. He said I would be able to see a lot better, but I can wait longer until it get worse if I want. So, I am going to wait. I can see pretty good out of it. Just some haze. So, overall, I feel great. I had my first migraine headache last night. May be caused from blood pressure. My school nurse has been keeping tabs on me every hour or so. Am excited to go see Kidney doc on Thursday. Yes, my eyes are dilated while I am typing this. My face is about 3 inches from the screen. HEEHEE.

Have a great day! Tracy :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Staying Strong

The last labs that I had run a couple of weeks ago, showed that my kidney's are hanging steady at 3.3. So, I am happy about that. The doctor seems to be concerned if it gets to 4.0. I am thinking that will be dialysis. I do not think I will get there. I feel like God is protecting me and my body. Hair is growing in!! Yea!

Thanks to all who are reading. I have a retinologist appt on 9/29. Labs again on 9/28 and kidney doc visit on 10/1. Gonna be a busy week!

Talk to you soon!
Tracy :)