Friday, January 15, 2010

1 year ago yesterday

I went to my kidney doc yesterday. I am staying the same, with my kidneys functioning at 15-20 %. He is going to schedule me an appt for a consultation with a vascular surgeon to put a fistula in my arm for dialysis. I am not needing it yet, but he wants me to he prepared. So, I guess it is the next step. It is just a consultation to see if the surgeon agrees with my doctor about the timing of getting it done. He said the fistula can stay for the rest of my life and if I ever need dialysis along the way, it is there and ready. Kinda reminds me of Steel Magnolias when Julia Roberts had the veins swollen on her arms. I guess that is why I have always hesitated. But, I'll be fine.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Keep On Keeping On

Today is Jan. 12. In two more days, it will have been one year since I had my first transplant call. Seems like forever ago. I called my transplant coordinator yesterday to make sure everything was ok. She said I still need to do a mammogram and a pap. I said I did those in November. So, I had to do some calling to get that re-faxed and to the coordinator. Glad I checked on it. The coordinator said that at their Friday meeting, everyone was saying how we haven't done any kp's lately. (Kidney/Pancreas Transplants) She told me that they agreed the donors are just not coming in right now, but soon there will be a wave of them and more transplants will be done. Not to worry.

I have been trying to clean out my Dad's house with Keith and Christie. They have been a huge help to me. And Dad's best friend Lonnie and his Dad Earnest. They have been also a huge help. It is weird. I just go ahead and talk to Dad like he is there. Sometimes I even feel like I am arguing with him about things. Then I laugh. I feel at peace with Dad. I know he is in heaven with his Mom. I saw him dancing Disco up there. He was so happy. :)

I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. 2010 is going to be a great year!! I just know it!

Love, Tracy :)